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by Keiba Channel

0:00 アンチェロッティのシティ対策
4:06 シティの敗因を敢えて探すなら
6:35 ベリンガムがレベチだった


シュワーボ東京の体験入団・セレクションはこちら https://www.fcsvabo.com/trial










Youtuber/FC ŠVABO監督/分析官/オンラインサロン”Leo the football 学園”
@leothegakuen 学長/Rapper ( http://urx.red/9ifW ) /著( http://urx.red/03Sv )

Leo the football TV

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@Leomani April 18, 2024 - 3:48 pm

0:00 アンチェロッティのシティ対策
4:06 シティの敗因を敢えて探すなら
6:35 ベリンガムがレベチだった



@uservg6wr1sp6p April 18, 2024 - 3:51 pm

We need to create a law to disclose player salaries.
European football leagues must disclose salaries I don't understand why many football fans are against revealing players' contract salaries. I think player salaries are either too low or overrated. I think Haaland's annual salary is over $50 million. Honestly, there is no way the EPL salary would be that low. Does anyone know anything about Mbappe's contract? Why didn't you make it public in the first place? I don't know if it's after tax or before tax. The media always says different things. The same goes for the salaries of Griezmann and Suarez during their time in Barcelona. To begin with, La Liga is not sure whether some players' salaries are before or after tax. Always changing. First of all, the salaries of Messi and Ronaldo from 2011 to 2018 are estimated to be after-tax salaries.) And this is not accurate regarding Messi's contract. Laporta said Messi's salary must be paid until 2025. How much did he get paid? And many believe Mane's wages at Liverpool were £100,000 a week. First of all, Mane's agent said his salary is higher than reported in the media.American leagues disclose salaries. Messi's annual salary for 2023, as revealed by the MLS Players' Association, is $20 million. The base annual salary is $12 million. The media reports that it is over $50 million, but in reality it is much less than this. Conversely, if you look at the wage bill, EPL clubs spend more money than the media reports, with Manchester City spending more than 300 million pounds, and Liverpool and Chelsea spending more than 250 million pounds. (Please disclose player salaries, contracts, and salaries.

And why are some people asking (there will be comments asking why I don't disclose my salary, but I'm an ordinary person. Are ordinary people and sports players the same? And there is FFP in European soccer) La Liga also has a salary cap. If I were a soccer player.I would agree to disclosure of my salary. i am asian. Why do people who are opposed to revealing player salaries say that some players have high or low salaries? Football's wage is It's an estimate and unofficial. . , commentators, coaches, and even other players in the league don't know a player's contract and salary…As a side note, Saudi money is exaggerated. A Saudi reporter said that Benzema's annual salary is $50 million. Jordan Henderson's weekly salary was also not what was reported in the media

@uservg6wr1sp6p April 18, 2024 - 3:53 pm

한국인입니다. 유럽축구 연봉은 비공개입니다. 그런데 uefa 공식홈페이지에서 공식발표한 팀 선수 연봉은 시티 리버풀 첼시 (맨유는 4위) jenqure를 검색해보셍

@uservg6wr1sp6p April 18, 2024 - 3:54 pm

City's charges are exaggerated. Not guilty without evidence Most of the 115 charges involved not cooperating and not providing data. To be honest, I think there are about 10 important things, and the FFP violation is not guilty, right? Most of the evidence is fabricated. The CAS award emphasized that most of the alleged breaches reported by the Adjudicatory Chamber of the CFCB were either not established or time-barred. As the charges with respect to any dishonest concealment of equity funding were clearly more significant violations than obstructing the CFCB's investigations, it was not appropriate to impose a ban on participating in UEFA's club competitions for MCFC's failure to cooperate with the CFCB's investigations alone. However, considering i) the financial resources of MCFC; ii) the importance of the cooperation of clubs in investigations conducted by the CFCB, because of its limited investigative means; and iii) MCFC's disregard of such principle and its obstruction of the investigations, the CAS Panel found that a significant fine should be imposed on MCFC and considered it appropriate to reduce UEFA's initial fine by 2/3, i.e. to the amount of EUR 10 million . City's 115 charges 54 charges on: Failure to provide accurate and up-to-date financial information from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18 . 14 charges on: Failure to provide accurate financial reports for player and manager compensation from 2009/10 to and including 2017/18. 5 charges on: Failure to comply with UEFA’s regulations, including UEFA’s Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations . 7 charges on: Breaches of Premier League profitability and sustainability regulations from 2015/16 to and including 2017/18 . 35: charges on: Failure to cooperate with Premier League investigations from December 2018 – present. in any case, most of the charges are unreasonable Man City is the world's No. 1 team, but they don't admit it, right? And football has been corrupt since ancient times. During Calciopoli, Milan and Lazio ended with a point deduction despite match-fixing (Juve was relegated). Milan won the Champions League that season (2006-2007) Also, there was controversy over FFP when PSG recruited Neymar, Mbappe, and Messi, but the French league never punished PSG. Maradona did doping. Ronaldo, Messi, and Benzema are criminals, but they are not expelled. They also receive the Ballon d'Or. Why do we criticize owners who do not invest in their teams for not spending money, and why do we criticize owners who do invest for being oil money? I think it's better to spend money than not to spend it. Don't be hypocritical. What you're doing is duplicity. Just be honest and say you don't like City because they are the number one football club in the world.

@user-bx3pl9sf7g April 18, 2024 - 3:56 pm


@kuboanti April 18, 2024 - 4:00 pm


@user-jo5ju5zm5v April 18, 2024 - 4:02 pm


@jdma25hamm April 18, 2024 - 4:07 pm


@user-tu8xv6wv3j April 18, 2024 - 4:10 pm


@user-rc2bj8mz6y April 18, 2024 - 4:15 pm

نحن بحاجة إلى وضع قانون للكشف عن رواتب اللاعبين.

يجب على دوريات كرة القدم الأوروبية الكشف عن الرواتب لا أفهم لماذا يعارض العديد من مشجعي كرة القدم الكشف عن رواتب عقود اللاعبين. أعتقد أن رواتب اللاعبين إما منخفضة جدا أو مبالغ فيها. أعتقد أن راتب هالاند السنوي يزيد عن 50 مليون دولار. بصراحة، لا يمكن أن يكون راتب EPL منخفضا إلى هذا الحد. هل يعرف أي شخص أي شيء عن عقد مبابي؟ لماذا لم تعلنها في المقام الأول؟ لا أعرف ما إذا كان ذلك بعد الضريبة أم قبل الضرائب. تقول وسائل الإعلام دائما أشياء مختلفة. وينطبق الشيء نفسه على رواتب غريزمان وسواريز خلال فترة وجودهما في برشلونة. بادئ ذي بدء، لا تتأكد اللايغا مما إذا كانت رواتب بعض اللاعبين قبل الضرائب أو بعدها. يتغير دائما. بادئ ذي بدء، تقدر رواتب ميسي ورونالدو من عام 2011 إلى عام 2018 بأنها رواتب ما بعد الضرائب.) وهذا ليس دقيقا فيما يتعلق بعقد ميسي. قال لابورتا إنه يجب دفع راتب ميسي حتى عام 2025. كم حصل على أجر؟ ويعتقد الكثيرون أن أجور ماني في ليفربول كانت 100000 جنيه إسترليني في الأسبوع. بادئ ذي بدء، قال وكيل ماني إن راتبه أعلى مما ورد في وسائل الإعلام. تكشف الدوريات الأمريكية عن الرواتب. يبلغ الراتب السنوي لميسي لعام 2023، كما كشفت عنه رابطة لاعبي MLS، 20 مليون دولار. الراتب السنوي الأساسي هو 12 مليون دولار. أفادت وسائل الإعلام أنه يزيد عن 50 مليون دولار، ولكنه في الواقع أقل بكثير من هذا. على العكس من ذلك، إذا نظرت إلى فاتورة الأجور، فإن أندية EPL تنفق أموالا أكثر من تقارير وسائل الإعلام، حيث ينفق مانشستر سيتي أكثر من 300 مليون جنيه إسترليني، وينفق ليفربول وتشيلسي أكثر من 250 مليون جنيه إسترليني. (يرجى الكشف عن رواتب اللاعبين وعقودهم ورواتبهم.

ولماذا يسأل بعض الناس (ستكون هناك تعليقات تسأل لماذا لا أفصح عن راتبي، لكنني شخص عادي. هل الناس العاديون واللاعبون الرياضيون متشابهون؟ وهناك FFP في كرة القدم الأوروبية) الدوري الإسباني لديه أيضا سقف للراتب. لو كنت لاعب كرة قدم. كنت سأوافق على الكشف عن راتبي. أنا آسيوي. لماذا يقول الأشخاص الذين يعارضون الكشف عن رواتب اللاعبين إن بعض اللاعبين لديهم رواتب عالية أو منخفضة؟ أجر كرة القدم هو تقدير وغير رسمي. . ، المعلقون والمدربون وحتى اللاعبون الآخرون في الدوري لا يعرفون عقد اللاعب وراتبه… كملاحظة جانبية، الأموال السعودية مبالغ فيها. قال مراسل سعودي إن الراتب السنوي لبنزيما يبلغ 50 مليون دولار. لم يكن راتب جوردان هندرسون الأسبوعي أيضا ما تم الإبلاغ عنه في وسائل الإعلام

@Deepheart35 April 18, 2024 - 4:16 pm


@user-qt8on5ds3d April 18, 2024 - 4:21 pm


@user-bg7lp3ln8b April 18, 2024 - 4:24 pm


@youvision21 April 18, 2024 - 4:29 pm

Italiano. Gli stipendi annuali nel calcio europeo non sono resi noti. A proposito, gli stipendi annuali dei giocatori delle squadre ufficialmente annunciati sul sito ufficiale della UEFA sono City Liverpool Chelsea (il Manchester United è quarto) Cerca Jenkula.

@user-vc9pi2wf9v April 18, 2024 - 4:45 pm

Hello!!!!! I'm in Singapore now!!!!!!

@user-ug7xv2ms3f April 18, 2024 - 5:01 pm


@jgTmptgapjgtw April 18, 2024 - 5:07 pm


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