Home » 中央競馬 » 中央競馬-GI » 凄まじい爆食いアニキが殺到する名古屋の大盛りパスタめし


by Keiba Channel


00:00 – そ〜れ あんかけスパ総本店
33:16 – まことや
1:09:44 – 八剱ROCK 人生餃子
1:48:56 – 達磨食堂
2:19:57 – 宮きしめん 神宮店


#パスタ #きしめん #ラーメン #名古屋グルメ

Aichi, Japan 10 min. walk east from Sakae Sta. Established in 1961 Sore Ankake Spa Sohonten Soul food restaurant 〜Ankake-spa’s birthplace 42 seats (12 seats at counter, 30 seats at tables) 7:54 Close-in start Tomato paste, tomato puree. We just simmer the veggies for a while before adding it.

And then we simmer the vegetables and let them sit for a day. I’m on the second day of the process today. And then you put the pesto, puree in it. And then you put in this coarse ground beef. Now we’re going to put it in the oven. (Staff) That’s a lot of work.

It’s a lot of work. w If you take your time with this, you get the flavor of the vegetables, the sweetness of the vegetables, the meat. The sweetness of the vegetables and the flavor of the meat is concentrated very well. This process is very important (Staff) How many servings does this pot make?

I think there’s 300-400 servings. Simply put, miso soup (Stuff) In the form of dissolving miso which is baked and cooked well. We call it miso.

And then you put it in the oven, and you put it back in the oven, and you put it back in the oven. and put it back in the oven. Sauce baked in the oven and left to rest

And then you stretch this out, and finally And then it’s hardened with starch, and then it’s made. You put seasonings in hot water. and then you put this miso paste in it and dissolve it, so it’s a sauce that you make. Miso soup” in image Pasta noodles are 2.2mm thick Boil pasta

Boiled spaghetti is fried in lard or vegetable oil, and then covered with a sauce. It is not a local gourmet food but a junk food for young men. but junk food for young men. Consume a lot of pasta every day Total 34 kg today

(Staff) Is this the amount of pasta you will consume in one day today? No, for a half-day lunch. We’re going to be doing additional boilerplate during lunch, so we’re going to be doing Consumption will vary depending on the time

The number of customers depends on the weather and the day of the week. weather and day of the week… So we boil this much in the morning. And then we’ll boil it in the afternoon, and we’ll add more as we go. Shredded cabbage Unloading a large diminutive pot with two people

Cooling boiled pasta (Staff) Are you the second generation, Mr. Kanaoka? Technically I would be the third generation. We have the longest history of pasta with starchy sauce. This year is 62 years… That’s a long time. You are older than me. Transfer the pasta from the water to a colander. Prepare piccata

Sinew carefully cut Knocking pork Meat is loosened, thickness is equalized, and heat is evenly distributed Easier to bite through with teeth when eating Seasoning with pepper Crack eggs Remove yolk Grill on a griddle Called “golden-baked pork Put it through 60% of the fire and put it in the refrigerator.

When the order comes in, grill it again on the griddle to finish. If you do this after the order comes in, it takes a long time to serve the food. it would take a long time to serve. (Staff) This is how you make piccata. I think piccata is done differently in different stores

It’s called “golden-baked pork.” As long as you use pork and egg, it’s piccata. (Staff) It looks like miso. Yeah, it looks like miso. You put the dashi stock in. After that, you put miso, right? Isn’t that similar to how miso soup is made? Battered pork loin cutlet Peeling eggs

(Staff) Have you been working there long? I’ve been here a year. I’m the youngest person here. I’m still a newcomer here. The youngest is the manager. The newest one is the manager. Preparing hamburgers Ground meat, eggs, onions, and seasonings are added. ketchup and knead (Staff) So basically everything is homemade? No, not everything.

As far as what I’m particular about I make everything in the restaurant. If I did everything by hand I would collapse… I think frozen food tastes good now. We’ve tried a lot of different products among the frozen ones. We’re all discussing and deciding which one is the best. Grilling hamburgers

Meatballs” in menu name I’m turning 75 this year. A veteran employee of over 40 years Manager Kanaoka has been with the company since he was 5 years old The man behind the scenes Someone I knew from my father But he’s an old man. He’s a stubborn old man. Strain the sauce Preparing croquettes

Cute, isn’t it? She’s cute, but she’s a good fighter. (Staff) Were they introduced recently? I think it’s only been about six months since we introduced it. The number is the year the store was founded Store also opened at “Nippon Dochu Festival” in Nagoya, Japan We were thinking of selling outside.

When we do it in the kitchen car. We’d take the fresh sauce with us. and serve it right there on the spot. It’s very time-consuming… …and it’s a lot of work. If it’s a frozen sauce, you can put a hot water bath inside.

You’d give the customer the pasta and the hot water-roasted sauce. And the customer can eat it right there. or they can take it home and eat it. That’s one of the advantages of making frozen sauces. that’s why we make frozen sauces. We use it for things like miracans. Peeling tomatoes in hot water

Peeled tomatoes in hot water, cut and prepared Taste We have a “classic sauce” that’s what it’s called. It’s a sauce that recreates the taste of the time when the company was founded. On our 50th anniversary. I thought we’d do some kind of event. But we didn’t have any good ideas, so… 

And that’s when I looked at the recipe notes. I thought, “Well, the sauce that I’m making is very different from the sauce I thought, “Well, that’s very different. I thought I’d try to make it one time, and I made it. I thought it was interesting that it was so different.

I tried to do it for one month only. And the customers have taken root. When I told them I was quitting, they got really mad at me. I said I was going to quit, and they got really mad at me. So now I have two sources!

I think if you could get him to drink it, he’d kind of understand. You should try it. It’s very acidic and a little bit spicy, isn’t it? So it was more in that direction in the old days. You put starch in the sauce to thicken it. to thicken the sauce Rice is cooked

Forks ready to be placed on table Cleaning the restaurant Cleaning the kitchen before opening Sausage used in the standard menu “Sore Placed near the sauce Sauce is perfectly thickened Ready for opening Today’s Daily special lunch is handwritten Daily special lunch 950 yen Business Hours Lunch only on national holidays Closed on Sundays

Noodle Day on the 11th of every month Free extra noodles! The largest pasta is twice as much as Sore Lunch Noodles 950g Rice 500g Sauce 600g Salad 100g Seafood spa 1000yen Kalaage spaghetti 900yen Chibi Ankake Spaghetti 300yen Piccata bento 1050yen Potato salad 500 yen Curry and rice 700 yen

Collaboration product with Gogo Curry Legendary Mirakan Curry 1000yen Table-top seasonings Garlic, Tabasco, Black Pepper Then I’ll open it! 11:00 opening Thick noodles 2.2mm in diameter. stir-fried in lard mixed with salad oil Normal volume of noodles is 300g Topped with sausage and boiled egg Sore 700yen Take a fork from the table

Tuck into a hot bowl of pasta. Pork loin cutlet with egg on pasta Spaghetti with sauce is “Tamago Yose Tamago yose 1000yen Topped with tamago yose sausage 1100yen Before the men take their seats Order omelette spaghetti Mellow egg on top of pasta sauce on top of pasta “omelet spa”. Omelette spa 850yen

Shake Tabasco Sipping noodles all at once A man comes to the restaurant on a whim He orders lunch Sore lunch 900yen with salad and rice Sipping hot pasta Rice is brought to the mouth… Finished This is the daily meal in Nagoya… Stir-fry pasta with lard Sticky texture is the feature of this dish.

Sore (classic sauce) Tabasco, lots of black pepper A delicious punch of pepper Spicy sauce that’s irresistible … Finished with plenty of time to spare The standard sausage and ham, Mirakan” topped with fresh tomatoes and other vegetables Legendary “Mirakan” 1.2x 950yen Put a salad on top… Mix and sip

There are unique ways to enjoy Fry more and more pasta Sore Lunch Topped with fried egg 1000yen Fried Shrimp Daily special lunch 950yen 11:41 Nagoya businessmen fill their bellies at spas Thick and glutinous noodles with rich sauce… (Staff) What is the best thing about Sore-san? We have a variety of night menus.

It’s fun to come for a drink at night and have a menu that’s a little different from lunch. I’m looking forward to having a different menu from lunch. Sore (classic sauce) Topped with fried egg The rush of orders never stops… Two businessmen come to the store Lost in the abundant menu…

Researching with my side eyes… Two Miracans Order arrives Legendary Milanese 900 yen Original spa mixed with Milanese and country Red wiener, ham and many other ingredients Thick sauce with tangy flavor Refreshing with large tomatoes. A delicious meal Thank you Lunch time Lunch time

Waiting for a seat… (Up to 271 people once came to the restaurant during lunch time alone. (Staff) Are the customers always like this? Always? Today… Is it like this? I still have no time at all! I know it sounds like a lie when I say it. deep-fried chicken Carayose 1½

Karaageyose (classic sauce) 1,000 yen 1 man comes to the store Order Milanese 1.2x Milanese Sausage, ham, vegetables Mila 1.2, sir With a lot of black pepper 400 grams, a hearty spa… A complete meal! Clean up frequently when seats become available Piccata 900 yen Collaboration with Gogo Curry Legendary Mirakan Curry 1000yen

Two men come to the restaurant Two piccata bento boxes are ordered If you are not sure what you want to eat, here it is! Piccata bento with many side dishes. This volume is enough to satisfy your appetite. Thank you for the feast! Finished up nicely Cheese omelet spa Sore, fried egg topping

Sore (classic sauce) Legendary Mirakan fried egg topping Tamago yose ¥1,000 Legendary Mirakan 900 yen Tonkatsu Tonkatsu spaghetti with cabbage topping Sore, cabbage topping Sore (classic sauce) Cabbage topping (Staff) At a restaurant that serves ankake-spa Where they put cabbage on top? I don’t think so.

Viking 1100yen Fried prawns / Fried oysters / Fried egg / Wiener Order 1.5 times egg yose Tamago Yose 1.5 times serving 1100yen Spaghetti with pork loin cutlet and egg Noodle quantity is 500 grams Pork has good chewy texture Spaghetti with Tabasco A long time favorite in Nagoya Spaghetti with starchy sauce

A lot of customers come here today. Aichi, Japan A close look at a thriving Udon noodle shop with a long line of customers! More than 90% of customers order The famous Miso Nikomi Udon is selling like hotcakes! Ebi-ten (prawn tempura) made with natural prawns The family preserves the taste of the previous generation…

Aichi, Japan 10 min walk to the south from Kawana Subway Station Established 1967 Makotoya 8:14 Closely followed start Second owner’s wife Cutting green onions Consume a large amount of green onions every day A bag of these first for one day So today, that would be three or four bags. kamaboko Yokoi-san 2nd

Married about 33 years having married Makoto’s only daughter. His family worried that it would be hard to take over the store His wife’s parents had not thought about taking over the store from the beginning. the succession of the shop from the beginning. They said, “Food and drink is hard work.”

With the intention of ending it in our generation. We were doing it with an open mind. (Staff) Did you take over the store right after you got married? I was a businessman for about eight years. I was working for a financial institution, in case you’re interested.

I worked at a credit union. I’m just saying that I’ve become a good talker. When you peel the fish paste off the board you can peel it off cleanly by using the back of a knife. Cutting fish paste Silently preparing the fish cakes Making soup stock To add a little more aroma

To add a little more bonito mixture Take soup stock for about 15 minutes Carefully remove lye take the time and effort to do this Convecting the dried bonito flakes to extract the flavor I make dashi every day. and you can smell the dashi. Kaeshi is mixed with the best bonito broth.

Make udon noodles (Father) Is 39 enough? (3rd Gen) 39 was good yesterday, so I’ll go with that Miso stew is raw noodles, so if the water content is higher than 40%, it will be soggy. If the water ratio is higher than 40%, the noodles will be soggy.

The 3rd generation Atsushi, the current owner (32 years old) The previous owner used to do it by hand When my predecessor fell and broke his ribs. he could no longer knead by hand. The old president of the dashi shop, Mr. Ota-ya, who is now deceased… the old president who is now deceased…

The chairman of the board is this canteen mixer… that you should use a bread kneading machine. Kneading with this machine is better than kneading by hand because it should produce an even and good noodle body. My grandfather was adamant about it, but he said no.

Because he could no longer fold his ribs and knead with his hands to break his ribs and knead it with his hands. Since we put this machine in, my grandfather says, “This is better. “This is better.” Put in the machine where you put in the machine.

It’s called hand-hammering. You do that and then you step on it with your foot. Where you extend it, you do it by hand. The kneading part is done by hand. I have a machine to help me with the kneading part. The rest is done by hand. That’s what we’re doing.

I’m still not very good at… Kneaded dough Mixing the water and flour in certain quantities water and flour together and they blend together. Finally, when you let it sit for a while The result is a solid and beautiful It will be the noodle body that you all think it will be.

I’ll adjust that again. So it’s a little bit uneven. We’re going to break it in here. (Staff) How old are you now? You are 32 now. (Staff) What made you take over the store? I got a national certification in rehabilitation, a physical therapist. I got it in college.

I had always thought that I would take over this store one day. I’ve always wanted to take over the business. I’m not sure if I’m going to be a physical therapist for the next five or ten years and then come back or do this one now.

I got in a long way from college, so While I didn’t have that much experience as a physical therapist I came back to Nagoya. I didn’t have a job anywhere. Then I thought I’ll just do it here. This is a personal thing.

The stores that have been around since the Showa period or something like that. I’ve been having back pain and stuff. Not only udon shops, but also western style restaurants… There are a lot of good restaurants that are closing. and they don’t have successors anymore.

This is the only restaurant that’s left now. but it’s the only one now. Now that I’m qualified. physical therapy and food and beverage are connected. I’d be happy to extend your healthy life span I’d be happy if I could extend I’m desperate here at the store now.

(Staff) What is the highest number of visitors ever to your store? Not when I was there. I think you lined up the most at the TV show “Smash”, right?

They say that the line was unbroken from the opening at 11:00 until the closing at 8:00 at night. until the store closed at 8:00 p.m. At that time, about 500 people came to the store in one day. The gluten in the udon water and wheat together to fix it.

As the gluten gets stronger with time The time you put it in and the way you mix it is very important. and there I felt it again I’m still inexperienced in some areas of knowledge, but I hope I can brush up little by little.

If I can brush up a little bit at a time I’m trying to do that. To be honest, I’m still a work in progress. As I do it day by day listening to what you have to say. Watching the condition every day I’m trying to make it as good as possible. oil frying

Rice is cooked That’s about 2.5 cups of rice cooked. I cook about 4 squares a day when I have a lot of food. At first you cook it in a gas cooker, and then you cook it in an electric cooker.

And then I use a one-bulk cooker to make up the rest. The rest is done in a way to catch up. As soon as this one runs out As soon as we run out of food for the part-timers They tell me, “It’s not safe,” and I cook it. Breakfast

Make it every day. Put it in front of the fryer. It’s like a quick bite for people who have time in between. Breakfast of bonito flakes, mentaiko takana and salmon combined Ota-ya-san brings us delicious seaweed. as they bring it to me. That completes it. Cleaning up the store

10:12 First person starts lining up 50 minutes before the store opens 10:19 Customers gather one after another Natural shrimp Even sushi restaurants use mostly frozen I think they use frozen. Where do they use such good shrimp? I think the fishmonger said

The writer Haruki Murakami. came here a couple of decades ago and ate there. And he wrote a book about it. I recently did a Nobel Prize-related interview about it. He wrote, “The shrimp was delicious.” and he wrote about it, so I’ve been getting a lot of shrimp since that day.

It’s a lot of work to peel them, but if you don’t do it but if I don’t do it, I won’t be able to keep going. I’ve got a part-timer who was here. When my grandmother said, “I’d love to give you something to ride on.”

She made it on the spur of the moment. I think we are the first to put prawn tempura in miso stew. I heard that we are probably the origin of it… Thank you very much. Thank you again. Business hours: 11:00 – 20:30 Closed on Friday

Open 6 days a week with almost no vacations I’m amazed again that you’ve been doing this for 10, 15 years. I’m amazed that we’ve been doing this for 10 to 15 years. Sometimes we close temporarily, but but basically we don’t take a day off.

I’ve never taken a day off except for weddings, funerals, and illness. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a day off except for weddings, funerals, and illness. I don’t know how you two manage to do this kind of work without… I don’t know how you two manage to do it without getting sick.

I think that’s the most amazing thing. I think that’s the one thing that’s unbeatable. The two of us have been doing it for a long time I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’ll try my best to be like that. I’m still a work in progress. Preparation of tabletop condiments Shichimi, Ichimi

Tempura preparation These are the prawns I was peeling earlier. Sprinkled with flour Put in this Put it in the foundation I want to give you a big tempura with a big batter, so Tempura that does not melt when put in miso stew Deep-fried shrimp 10 parking spaces next to store

On the opposite side of the road 3 cars can be parked Common atmosphere with a sense of calmness Table and small table Oyako-ebi: 1,370 yen Oyako: 1,090 yen Miso nikomi 870yen Tempura udon 890 yen Kake udon 550 yen 11:00opening

Soul Food of Nagoya Citizens Miso Nikomi Udon” is the soul food of Nagoya people. Miso Nikomi Udon” is full soon after opening Aroma of Miso begins to waft in the restaurant All 2, shrimp ball 1, rice 2 Yes, welcome. How many people are you?

Please wait in the store. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. We are full. I’m sorry. Udon heated in a hand-pot and transferred to an earthenware pot Deep-fried tofu Makoto’s special miso is Mild and smooth It is crowded at first Udon noodles will take a long time to be served.

Miso-nikomi is the best one. Thank you very much. Simmer over high heat Shrimp tempura Egg Oyako Ebi 1370 yen First time customer It’s so good! I’m from Osaka I’m going home now. I’m going to finish up with udon! The second generation handmade udon Noodles are freshly cut It doesn’t usually look like this

They’re pretending like they’re a thriving business. I’ll be back in a little bit. I’m sorry. Second generation father serving loudly Shrimp and egg 1,220 yen Miso stew 870yen Hot noodles and soup stock to a plate Let it cool down a little and eat it with gusto Udon noodles are delicious…

4 persons, all in 4, 2 with rice Special miso with little bitterness. with light and rich seafood broth. Sorry about the egg It’s sinking to the bottom. Please scoop it up with a bamboo ladle. Your son is making udon noodle hand cutting 11:20 The first four people Please take a seat.

Thank you for waiting. Shrimp white sushi Kashiwa (chicken) If you are waiting outside Please come inside. Two pieces of rice, please. Thank you for waiting Please be careful, it’s hot. Please be careful, it’s hot The proprietress just keeps on frying tempura All of them, Kashiwa, No.3, Shrimp

Sorry to keep you waiting. Shrimp and egg miso. The whole family enjoys stewed udon noodles Yes, all (in) Here you go Miso-nikomi is passing behind you. Please be careful. Thank you for waiting! I’ve never been here before. I was wondering what it’s like. It’s still delicious. I think it’s very miso-like, but…

It’s delicious. It’s my first time here. Washing an earthenware pot carefully The proprietress also makes miso nikomi udon The second generation makes additional soup stock 11:58 The line is unbroken Yes, two parents and two children The egg is inside

I’ve got a round dough that I prepared in the morning. I have to stretch it with my feet to some extent. I get tired when I stretch it by hand Thank you for waiting Please be careful, it’s hot All, parent and child, one piece of rice Thank you for your patience

Put a lot of shichimi (seven spices) on it… I can’t help but smile Looks like it’s the best of the best 6 people all together, 2 large shrimp balls (Staff) What is good about Makotoya? The broth is good! And uneven noodles 12:54 Thank you very much Thank you for your patience

Thank you very much! Thank you very much! (Staff) How many times a day do you do the dashi-taking? I usually watch the time. Today it’s a lot. I’m planning for about 50 people at a time. I’m planning for about 50 people. And then we’ll see how it goes.

If the clientele is strong I’ll keep doing more and more. Now that we are still open for lunch I’ll do as much as I can anyway. Everyone shares the work and runs the store. (Staff) Which way do you want to start today? Meito Ward (Staff) Do you come here often?

I come here often. They say Nagoya’s stew is too hard. This place suits me very much. When someone I know comes from Osaka I’ll be sure to bring them here. We’ve been doing that for a long time. Here you go. It will be egg miso. Here you go, sir. Shrimp and egg, please.

This is Oyako-miso, right? 13:53 The queue continues Let’s see you dance again sometime, okay? Okay? Thank you! Here you go. It’s all coming in. Oyako-ebi (all incl.) + rice 1630yen Luxurious dish with lots of ingredients Makotoya’s signature dish. Hearty Tempura Tempura is a delicious tempura which absorbs the flavor of soup stock….

Chewy udon noodles cooked in a hot pot chewy udon noodles cooked in hot pot..! Full-bodied miso soup stock Eggs are mixed with miso soup stock. Leftover ingredients on rice… Rice was also great to finish… Thanks for the food..!

Please try Miso Nikomi Udon when you visit Nagoya. Please try Miso Nikomi Udon when you visit Nagoya! Monster Braised pork is a blast! Close-up on Nagoya’s strongest Machinuka! Aichi, Japan Yatsugen ROCK Life Gyoza Life Gyoza Owner (age 60) Chicken guts carefully washed by hand

Put into the soup that has been prepared the day before Pork feet, whole chicken, chicken broth The main ingredient of the soup is delicious Braised pork, I think I’ll put a little more than 10 today. Weighing meat to put in soup 2.9 kg of Braised pork (Staff) How much for one bottle?

About 1,500 yen per kilo, including sales tax. You just saw that 2.9 kilograms of… (Staff) You mean 3 times? Triple. Almost. So, if we multiply the price by 3, that’s about 4,500 yen for one bottle. So, if you multiply it by 1500 yen, it’s about 4500 yen for one bottle.

(Staff) That’s 10 bottles… Ten, eleven… (Staff) It’s like I get 10 or 11 every day…? I have to put 10 bottles in. I have to put 10 bottles in to finish the soup… I try to sell out as much Braised pork as I can. Get the customers to eat it.

So, we have to charge less for Braised pork. And cut it thicker. So, you can cut it down there. This is doing, “It’s not for profit, it’s a soup base.” It’s delicious. It’s our soup. That’s about 4,500 yen a bottle, right? And Braised pork is priced at 240 yen per piece, so…

Not quite 20 pieces… 17 or 8 pieces. 10 for 2,400 yen… (Staff) Tonton or… about a bit in the red. I think we’re at about…? I’m still adding sauce and… But I raised the price… I raised the price to 240 yen. It used to be 200 yen.

(Staff) If you include labor costs… you’re usually in the red. The other day, I posted on Youtube that “the more we do, the more we lose”… I posted it on Youtube… And they said, “No, it’s not true…” No, it’s true.

So I went to the supermarket and bought 2 kilos of raw meat. I bought two kilos of raw meat from the supermarket… The fatty part is for Braised pork bowl. The red part is minced and used for dumplings. Apples, carrots, garlic, leeks, onions Onions are used to make dumpling paste.

Delivery of bean sprouts Eleven boxes of bean sprouts used in one day are delivered (1 box) 4 kg, so (total) 44 kg If I sell this in one day, I’m done. garlic This is from a long-established dumpling shop in Yokkaichi. There is a long-established gyoza (dumpling) shop in Yokkaichi.

That’s where they started it. “garlic chili oil”. raw garlic with chili oil. A little bit of garlic in the sauce of dumplings the taste is tightened, or the garlic is spicy. I borrowed this idea from “New Taste” in Yokkaichi. I borrowed the idea from “New Taste” in Yokkaichi.

I’m not sure if it’s enough to put chili oil in the garlic. Not really. There’s a little point there. Preparation of minced meat Soy sauce, garlic, sake season with soy sauce, garlic, and sake Seasoning with soy sauce, garlic, and sake. Lightly seasoned. You don’t season the mince very well here.

“Lightly seasoned, lightly seasoned. so it’s lightly seasoned. This is the one I fried once yesterday. I’m going to fry this one more time before the actual cooking. This one has already lost its fat. By the way, this is the minced meat that I fried earlier. This is what it looks like.

A lot of fat has been removed. I’m going to drain the vegetables through the oil. I want to cut off as much fat from the mince as possible So we’re going to do it like this. I fry the minced vegetables to remove the oil.

This is minced meat that can be used from the first thing today Starts roasting sesame seeds I’m practicing my pot swinging. When you’re a kid, they make you do it a lot. It’s a lot harder than you think. The taste changes depending on how you do it. The point is to do as little as possible for as long as possible

It’s hard to do that much I think it’s hard to do that much. but it’s not that difficult to find out… We’ve been roasting our own for 17 years. I’ve been roasting it myself for 17 years. That’s the only thing That’s the one thing we’ve always kept. (Staff) When is the finish?

If it’s only going to get color. I can just turn up the heat to high and it’ll come right on… It’s like oil oozes out. And when you fry it slowly and the oil comes out It is the best when the oil comes out from the pan. It’s very difficult and time-consuming.

(Staff) Your hands get tired…? People say that, but they’re not that tired. I’m putting it on the stove. I only use sesame seeds with tantan noodles Sesame seeds are roasted, mashed, and spread in oil. and make something called “sesame sauce”. When you get an order for tantanmen and chili oil.

Beautifully browned roasted sesame seeds Aromatic aroma of roasted sesame seeds… Sesame seeds stir-fried in a wok are put into a blender Make sesame paste Homemade Chinese sesame sauce is completed 9:22 First customer arrives at ticket machine Tickets are purchased before the restaurant opens. This is fat kneaded into gyoza

Dumpling filling is a simple combination of onion and pork simple combination of onion and pork Seasoning Sugar, salt and shiitake mushroom powder combined. This is ground arm meat Garlic, sesame oil, oil from chilled and hardened broth Squeezed juice of onion Squeezed onion water is absorbed into bean paste meat

Then the bottom of the dumpling doesn’t fall out Oil in soup Sesame oil Mix with drained onions Wrapping dumplings Carrying Braised pork sauce Adding new sauce to the sauce Adding new sauce Add meat of Braised pork into sauce Employee starts cleaning Good morning! The landlady goes to work Soup is strained

Soup full of flavor of Braised pork “Have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat with us?” (Staff) Thank you! Don’t you have any likes or dislikes? (Staff) No, I don’t! We had breakfast! Salmon rice ball with perfect amount of salt Dashimaki-tamago 7 seats at counter, 3 tables

Gyoza sauce, Ichimi, Sansho, Vinegar, Kosho, Garlic chili oil After filling in your name, you buy a meal ticket. Ticket machine is on the right side when you enter the restaurant. Signature menu Taiwanese Braised pork 1040yen Ramen 710yen Gyoza 4pcs 240yen Taiwanese style, you can choose spiciness and amount of garlic

Business hours (*Close when soup is sold out) Lunch 11:00-13:30 (last order) Evening 17:30 – 20:30 (last order) Closed on Mondays and the 4th Thursday of the month 5 parking spaces next to the restaurant 5 more cars across the road 10:34 Customers lined up before opening   Braised pork is completed!

Looks delicious? (I bet it’s delicious!)  It’s hot, this is hot. It doesn’t look hot, right? It’s hot. (No, no, it looks really hot.) Braised pork is so pulled together. The owner calls out to the customers Braised pork photo session has started Souvenirs are introduced before opening I spent a year developing it.

I can assure you that it tastes great. It’s a little bit expensive, but we sell it next to the cash register. It’s a new product that just went on sale. It’s our original product. Jointly developed with Noodle-no Shimizuya 1080 yen for 3 servings Stored at room temperature for 90 days

Sold at kiosks and roadside stations I would like to buy it as a souvenir from Nagoya. (Staff) Do you already have it? Slowly, roadside stations and the like are starting to introduce them. I’d like to buy it as a souvenir from Nagoya. If you see it, please let me know.

(Staff) How long have you been married? (Staff) Married? No, I’m not married. Awww… Divorced, now divorced w About 20 years? Oh no, my daughter is going to be 22. Hahaha wow. (landlady) Okay, okay! (Employee) Please! I’ll open it! 11:00 Open Immediately full Early birds win! Braised pork offcuts

Braised pork Tare large: 760 yen, Tare small: 720 yen Chikuwa-ten Bean sprouts, garlic chives, corn in oil Stir-fry garlic, chili and minced meat Add oiled vegetables Add curry powder and chikuwa-ten and shake the pot Dish curry corn Taiwan Chikuuten and Braised pork topping Proprietress is in charge of noodles, soup and plate preparation

With skillful coordination Taiwanese Braised pork Moo Taiwanese dish with a little spicy vegetables, large bowl of noodles Braised pork topping Dish Taiwan Giant piece of Braised pork Dish Taiwan is so powerful… Large bowl of rice with rice cake, 940 yen Taiwanese ramen noodles with vegetables, large portion, slightly spicy 1090 yen

Taiwanese ramen noodles, large portion, slightly spicy 10,010 yen Garlic fried rice 760yen Garlic fried rice, large portion 940yen Garlic fried rice, large portion! Fried rice with a punch of garlic is delicious… A husband and wife work together to serve an influx of customers Braised pork rice 660 yen

Hot and Sour Taiwanese Ramen 800yen Dumplings (10pcs) 600yen Platter Taiwanese Braised pork 1040 yen Fried rice 600 yen 12:50  (Finished before last order because soup is sold out) Large bowl of ramen 870 yen Braised pork rice with fried egg Taiwanese dish with vegetables (less spicy) Braised pork and Chiku-ten topping

Platter Taiwan Vegetable large portion, a little spicy, more garlic Topped with 2 pieces of Braised pork Braised pork with life dumplings The one where the rice definitely goes… Rice on top of noodles Tamamodan Braised pork 1240 yen 13:56 The last customer leaves the restaurant Cleaning of the store begins

Dirt is removed with a sponge and rinsed off with water (Staff) Are you cleaning every day and night? Every day. Daytime is about half of this. At night, a little longer, generally. Plate Taiwan, Braised pork topping, 1,040 yen Garlic chili oil Spicy garlic accents are delicious! Vinegar

Vinegar is added to make it refreshing and piquant! Light soup goes down your throat gently. Pig’s feet Whole chicken (Chicken) soup before adding the gara (chicken) Cook this now and turn off the heat when you close at night. The next morning. I’ll put the gala in and it’s done, just like today’s morning.

It used to be a little thicker soup. Already the kitchen is hot and… When you cook bonbons of soup… I’m getting old… I want a light soup. (Staff) Is this the soup that came with the dish Taiwan? Yes, that’s right. It was a terrific contrast to the dish Taiwan and it was terrific!

Hahaha! That’s why we all say it’s a good chopstick break. I think it tastes good. I think it’s delicious. (Staff) It was delicious. And the ramen noodles made with that soup. quite well received.  You had a good turnout today. Garlic fried rice was especially popular. Fried rice, large portion, 840 yen

The savory aroma of garlic soy sauce and Braised pork in special sauce is the best… A couple’s divine cooperation shines through. A close encounter with Nagoya’s Machinuka The specialty “Taiwanese fried ramen”. Delicious! The best! You come here every week. Bakunyu-uma soup-less yaki-ramen! More garlic! Special ramen Giant Braised pork

Customers rush to get the nightly special ramen! Customers rush in! Spice Curry Aichi, Japan Daruma Shokudo Mainly serving ramen and spice curry 6:23 Owner Mr. Hioki goes to work Thursday Dashi stock is made from pig’s back bone which is prepared from the day before. Overnight soaked Braised pork Braised pork for regular ramen

The one for this evening I’ll prepare it separately again. (Staff) Where is this in terms of sites? This is a shoulder roast. Because it’s going to have egg yolk Egg whites are left over We have to use what we have. Salt

I change it every time I make noodles. according to the noodles to be made. For this evening. I’m going to type one more time. When I come back from stocking up I’m adjusting it now. I’m working on it. Refrigerator as it is This is called “Maison Kaiser” for French bread.

It’s a famous bakery flour. For today’s Yakisoba noodles I’m stocking up on these. Hokkaido medium-strength flour Thin noodles, so to make them a little firmer I always add this “vital gluten This one is just for tonight. I’m typing This is already for tomorrow. Preparing spiced curry for the restaurant’s signature dish

This is also soup for tomorrow I change the ingredients depending on the soup. Fry onions I make curry every day It’s pretty old and bumpy. It’s dedicated to curry. Onions are added little by little and sauteed If you decide how many pieces It’s no fun, is it? You change it every time.

Onions for curry gradually becoming candy-colored This is a process called “compounding” now. (Staff) This way it’s more mixed? Yes. The ramen is characterized by Since the direction of gluten is one-way So the noodles flow like this By cutting like this When you bite

The way it feels when you chew it, it’s like a ptup-ptup-ptup. It’s a characteristic of ramen. Udon noodles and the like. As you type to intersect Then The bite is Elasticity It feels like it’s getting firmer. and the elasticity becomes Okumikawa chicken I always have curry ready. If it’s a bad time

I have to make two kinds in the morning. Put chicken in pot for curry Often curry shop I marinate. I’m going to do the marinade in the pot. Very short time He’s making curry. We’re a diner. Kumin, yes. I’m putting in a little more. I use a little less cilantro. masala

I’ll go with the skin Grate ginger with peel Special ramen soup. Curry with ramen soup. (Staff) What are the ingredients? This is chicken and cow. Depends on how you feel at the time. It’s possible to have 100% chickens. I’m taking tonkotsu right now. Tonkotsu is totally possible, depending on my mood. Garlic

Put chili This is very hot. If you put too much… I put it in when the curry is done, so… I’ll clean it up Liver This liver is a bit washed Put the liver in a pot of curry Today’s spiced curry with chicken and liver is ready Preparation of minced meat

Add the new amount to this (Staff) Is this the grand menu? This is a grand menu, yes. Taiwanese Yaki Ramen on the menu called It’s mince. chili oil (Staff) Is it quite spicy? It’s not spicy at all. I’m making it so that everyone can enjoy it.

If you make it too spicy you can’t eat it. I’m taking mild orders. This mince is not dry. This Korean Korean chili pepper This is not spicy, it’s red. I try to use this one. I put a little bit of spiciness in it, so of this homemade chili oil. This spiciness is

I put a little bit of this hot chili pepper Taiwanese minced meat used for Taiwanese fried ramen Illustration of tomorrow’s limited edition noodle menu is created Drafting illustration Pen insertion coloring Owner’s wife goes to work Like this tomorrow That’s good, isn’t it? Completed illustration 9:59 Bean sprouts stored in refrigerator

Put garlic in blender Tonkotsu (pork bone) soup for tomorrow Back bone broth. Making soup with Nagoya Cochin Cleaning the restaurant carefully Seats are carefully wiped clean Cutting cabbage Making aji-tama (seasoned eggs) Lard for frying. Ice for chilling Carefully remove lye 6 seats at counter Table 4 seats

Before OPEN and during busy hours, names are required Parking lot After 13:00, the parking lot on the side of the eel restaurant parking lot is available. Special ramen 800yen Yaki ramen 700yen Taiwan Yaki-Ramen 900yen Spice Curry (Daily special) Regular 1000yen- Aigake 1500yen- Mini Curry 450yen- Mini Aigake 700yen-

Today’s Spice Curry Beef tendon curry Okumikawa chicken thigh and liver curry Please pay your bill as soon as you finish eating until 13:00. (due to limited parking space until 1:00 p.m.) Seasonings on the table pepper, vinegar, chili oil, and seasoning Open 11:30 First customer enters the store Daily special curry is confirmed

Bean sprouts Cabbage Welcome change garlic chili pepper lard Noodle in I’m in up thin noodles up Shall I make it a little harder? feeling (Employee) Thin noodles 50? (Owner) 50! Hormone Braised pork Garlic Half-boiled egg Special ramen noodles + garlic and half-matured egg 950 yen Taiwanese fried ramen noodles made Ramen noodle soup

Minced meat egg yolk more hormones Braised pork Garlic chive Taiwan Yaki Ramen + Horumashi 1100yen Taiwan Yaki Ramen 900yen Taiwan Yaki Ramen 900yen I can have all of them Special ramen 800 yen Beef tenderloin curry Okumikawa Chicken Thigh and Liver Curry Boiled egg soup to follow Soup is waiting for you

Taste Taiwanese baked ramen A sip of soup… Soup is added to Taiwanese baked ramen Enjoying Taiwanese ramen for the second half of the day Beef tenderloin curry Okumikawa Chicken Leg and Liver Curry Special ramen noodles + half a bowl of rice 950 yen (Staff) Do you often come to Daruma Shokudo?

I’ve been coming here since the last time I was here. (Staff) What did you ask for today? Yaki Ramen today (Staff) How was the taste? It’s good! It’s the best! When I decide to go here, I always go here. I’ve been coming here all the time. Heavy user Vegetable stir-fry Beef tenderloin curry

Taiwanese fried ramen 900yen Thick Braised pork Taiwanese minced pork with spicy sauce Chewy flat homemade noodles Mildly spicy with egg yolk Beef tendon This is Okumikawa chicken Thigh and liver Sorry to keep you waiting Spice Curry Aigake 1,500 yen Authentic spice flavor stimulates appetite Beef tenderloin curry

Okumikawa chicken Curry of leg and liver Vegetable stir-fry matched with curry 17:10 Today’s nightly menu “Life UFO Dish Dharma Braised pork for After this, seasoning is done Pre-cooked meat is stewed in Braised pork sauce It’s a very nice pork. Life dumplings are using I’m going to cook rice with it Huge, isn’t it?

The limited menu for the night is Life UFO dish Daruma Inspired by Life Dumpling’s Sara Taiwan, a dish that reproduces the sauce flavor of cup noodle UFO. Lunch menu collection Wipe clean carefully Customer signing in before opening Rice cooked with Braised pork Looks good I’m soaking up the fat.

Braised pork on cooked rice Green onion on cooked rice bean sprouts Pre-boiled minced meat Customers waiting for opening roughly 10 people 18:00The restaurant opens. Names are called and customers enter the restaurant in order. The first one to enter the store was A man who had come to the restaurant during the daytime

Customers continue to come in for nighttime ramen Customers are gathering one after another. Chikuwa for isochiku-ten chikuwa for isochiku-ten bean sprouts rice cake garlic minced meat Let’s boil some noodles (Son) Noodles are ready. (Owner) Aiyo Noodles with special sauce Stir-fried vegetables on top of noodles Two large pieces of Braised pork chiku-ten

Green onion and And then there’s the service soup. Life’s first meal Soup served with rice I asked a customer who came to the restaurant during the daytime about the quality of Daruma Shokudo. I asked him what he liked about Daruma Shokudo. The limited noodles are very innovative

The place where you can eat the menu that you can’t eat that you can’t eat anywhere else. OK, please! (Staff) Do you come here often? About twice a week (Staff) How do you like it? How do you like today’s limited edition? Yes, I am! I’m satisfied. Thank you!

Did you get the UFO feeling? (Guest) It was out. (landlady) Did you see it? Thank God! I got a bellybutton More Braised pork More chikuwa-ten (chikuwa tempura) (Staff) Last order? Yes, this is it. Life UFO Dish Daruma, large portion, 1,600 yen (topped with Braised pork and chiku-ten)

A dish of thick Braised pork covering a platter A palm-sized dish that is very satisfying The punch of Taiwanese minced meat and the texture of bean sprouts Sauce aroma whets your appetite Firm, straight, thin noodles are delicious… The owner’s special noodle and UFO flavored sauce are the best match. the best match!

Braised pork is the best. Finally pouring thick soup. It was delicious! Thank you for the food (Staff) Were you particularly busy today? The evening was particularly busy I was free during the day Usually a general Kutatte I fall asleep on the bench. I’m doing my best to clean up today. w

(Staff) Do you clean up basically every day? Cleaning is every day, yes. Cleaned carefully over the course of an hour Wall tiles are also carefully wiped clean Finishing wipe-cleaning of entire cooking area Clean and tidy galley Long day finally over It’s been an intense day… I knew it… Aichi, Japan Atsuta Jingu Shrine

A short walk from the West Gate parking lot Within the precincts of Atsuta Jingu Shrine… Established in 1970 Miyakishimen Jingu branch Terrace seating for about 80 6:50 Preparation begins (Manager) Yesterday was just these noodles. about 1,000 servings. I don’t think we’ll go that far today, so 900 servings or so.

The original blend of dashi broth. It’s like simmering a packet. From here, we’re going to make tsuyu. Mixing aka-tsuyu and shiro-tsuyu From horse mackerel, bonito, mackerel, sardine, etc. Dashi (soup stock) Sugar Mirin Combination of 2 kinds of mirin Honjozo soy sauce Aka-tsuyu Thick broth with strong aroma

Shiro-tsuyu Light taste like Kansai style, using white soy sauce Executive Director In 1970 (Showa 45), from the then head priest of the shrine. Managing Director We opened a store in the precincts of the temple. Managing Director I was asked if I would like to serve kishimen.

The kishimen I served at that time was I was allowed to call it “Miyamiya Kishimen”. and it has been called “Miyakishimen” until now. At that time, it was called Sakura Seimen Kogyo. under the name of “Sakura Noodle Industry”. We were manufacturing noodles, but we were not a restaurant. but not a restaurant.

We didn’t do it seriously. But in the same Atsuta Ward I was originally associated with Atsuta Jingu-sama. I think that’s why he told us about it. I think. I think that’s right. Your supplier is a tofu shop.

There are not many places that use this anymore. There are not many places that use this anymore. It’s not coming around anymore. Only in this region. They’re not using it. It’s like a local color. Only in Nagoya Small fried bean curd Shiitake mushrooms Miya kishimen on on it

Aged bean curd, shiitake mushrooms, fish paste, spinach, bonito flakes Shiitake mushrooms are very popular very popular I get a lot of customers asking me if I can sell them to them. to sell only shiitake mushrooms. Miyamanju Sold at the sweet shop next door Opened at 9:00 Miyamiya Kishimen 800yen Katsu curry kishimen 1350yen

Hida beef croquette set meal 1250yen Miyamiya Kishimen – mixed vegetable and seafood tempura bowl 1250yen A woman comes to the restaurant right away. A small portion of Miyamiya Kishimen (-50yen) is ordered. 2 people come to the store 2 orders of shrimp tempura oroshi kishimen Spinach, fish paste, shiitake mushroom, green onion, deep-fried tofu

Red Soup Bonito flakes Miyakishimen Sprinkle a dash of chili pepper to your liking Sip kishimen with fried bean curd Fluffy and thick kishimen noodles Kishimen eaten in the precincts in the morning is supreme… Ebi-ten Ebi-ten oroshi kishimen Tororo, dried plum hot egg Wakame seaweed, green onion, fish paste Raisins, minori Ume-toro-tama kishimen

Miyamiyakishimen Cold 9:15 Customers arrive one after another within 15 minutes of opening Hida beef croquette Hire Katsu Curry pork cutlet with kishimen noodles Hida beef croquette Mixed vegetable and seafood tempura Tororo Kishimen Quickly processing the flood of orders Deep-fried chicken Deep-fried chicken set meal (Miyamiya kishimen noodles, rice, deep-fried chicken)

Miyamiya kishimen 800 yen Fragrant Soup with Rich Flavor and Umami Smooth texture on the tongue Fluffy, elastic and strong texture. Only in Nagoya Small fried bean curd 12:32 The queue just keeps on going… Funghi mushrooms Funghi Mushroom Grated Kirishimen Kinshachi-kishimen(white soy sauce) Kishimen noodles with egg Kinshachi-kishimen 1150 yen Clear white soup

Add Ichimi chili pepper 16:30 closed About 920 cups of Kishimen were served on that day. It was a close encounter with a popular kishimen restaurant with a big line!

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@114flaxton2 December 21, 2023 - 1:26 am

What happened to the English subtitles you provided?

@wanikenospe December 21, 2023 - 1:30 am


@potechitechin December 21, 2023 - 2:04 am


@restaurantman December 21, 2023 - 2:22 am


@restaurantman December 21, 2023 - 2:23 am

In the video's settings menu, you can enable the CC (Closed Captioning) for English subtitles.

@Revi-Kei December 21, 2023 - 3:49 am

なんやココ パスタニキであふれかえってるやん!!!

@leomariggio4306 December 21, 2023 - 10:19 am

Great place great food!

@user-hg8kt3du8y December 21, 2023 - 9:18 pm


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