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EngSub《三千鸦杀》▶EP 11 废柴公主#赵露思 为复仇易容成侍女潜仙山👸风流上仙独宠小侍女引众仙女嫉妒💗谁料二人竟是命定的十世情缘#神隐#蒋依依##郑业成| MangoTV

by Keiba Channel

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EngSub《三千鸦杀》废柴公主#赵露思 为复仇易容成侍女潜仙山👸风流上仙独宠小侍女引众仙女嫉妒💗谁料二人竟是命定的十世情缘#神隐#蒋依依##郑业成| MangoTV

✡️主演:郑业成 / 赵露思 / 王萌黎 / 刘怡潼 / 蒋依依 / 代云帆 / 毛方圆 / 王星瀚 / 李路琦 / 李明峻 / 许梦圆 / 张兴泽 / 刘锡明 / 乔于庭 / 张鼎鼎

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📺《她和他的恋爱剧本》霸道总裁车祸失忆后 竟说自己是明朝的王爷🤴▶https://bit.ly/Love-Script
📺《百灵潭》冰山帝君被贬为妖王,遇上笨蛋人类公主 化身口是心非傲娇吃醋精💗▶https://bit.ly/PrincessAndDevil


Let’s go Three Liang one night? It’s the cheapest room That’s the price for the whole city But where’s this place? Even a night in the palace wouldn’t cost that much Well, look at that It’s not that I’m marking up Lingyu City is the major town in the Southwest

With a terrible taxation every year I haven’t got my money back It went straight into the palace You two are lucky Some time ago, I met the The governor asked for help for every one who entered the city Take half of each bag I don’t know where the money went

Look at the peddlers outside We just wanna make a living To master and madame… Big sister Open two nice rooms Take the rest to make your living Thank you, master and miss How did you get so much money? I have a sack of money in my purse It’s good to be immortal

Cracker Melon Seeds Look outside Sweet and delicious Cracker Melon Seeds Take a look Are you selling Cracker Melon Seeds? All kinds of melon seeds are here Well, did you see a middle-aged lady who was eating seeds every day All the time Look over there I finally know why Ms. Zhao

Like melon seeds so much Me too But… Where is she now? It’s really tasty I’ll get some more if you like it All right, you go get it Stop! Stand still Stand still Stand still Mom, look what I got Wow, they’re all thieves It’s our money Let me tell you

Poorness aren’t scary at all Let me know if you need money I’m very generous He’s indeed rich It’s not a big deal to give you charity But you can’t steal it I’m sorry You can take it back, girl We’ll figure it out We are not thieves

We are ordinary people who fled here I’m a blacksmith She was a vendor who sold cloth And… They were cooks We are all from Li Country You are from Li Country? Then how did you end up in this situation? After the collapse of the state Our village was burned down

By the monsters of Tianyuan We’ve recuperated for a few years But there was another act of God We’ve been on the move for months Finally we came to Lingyu City We fled here We’re lucky to be alive here Who knows we met the governor here He asked us for money

He insisted that we were from Li Country He took all the money we had on us If without Mao’s stealing food we would have starved to death That governor could only bully us Li people He destroyed our home And he took all our money I see you all have skills

Why don’t you get yourself some work? But you asked kids to be a thief Lingyu City is also prosperous You must not know this Lingyu City has a clear class No one’s gonna hire any of us Not only that as we are inferior people

They’d beat us when they get upset If we fight back, we’re gonna go to jail We had no money We couldn’t even get out of here Does it hurt? It’s okay Keep this money Go shopping with your mom for good food Thank you, sister Where’s that governor?

Don’t mess with him, girl He was chosen to be the king here This whole Lingyu City is in his charge I’ve used up all my cultivation I can only seal the demon king Keep the spirit lamp It’s your own life I’m not cold Are you… still blaming me

For erasing your memory Then why are you ignoring me? There is a small village ahead You are not yet well I’ll buy you a dress for the cold Driver, please stop the car please Let the Chancellor of Left know that we’ve found them Yes Be careful Wait for me Go

This governor is a bit of a pervert Where did the mirror come from? Look who she is, Xiaobai Who the hell are you? Who are you talking to? How could you forget me, auntie? I think you know exactly who I am I… Let me see… Help Help Help Stop yelling

So what, auntie Zhao You don’t know your nephew’s wife since you’ve been a high official Xiaobai Okay Don’t move Enjoy it, my Lord Zhao Chuan’er Mr. Bai We ‘re all from Xiangqu Mountain You don’t have to do this And besides, Xiaochuan I still loved you back then

Yes, auntie Zhao was good to me She even found me a husband who’d like to kill me Tell me who’s Er’meng I’ll tell you Hey, how much is this? Not for sell Why are you here if it’s not for sell Xiaobai, they’re here Wow, so many people Let’s hide Go

What are you two doing? We’re just doing a business Go away. So ridiculous Hurry up, sorry my Lord Sorry, my Lord Be careful Go Are there enough, boss? Young Master That’s not enough What about this? That’s enough Young Master Young Master Xuanzhu Xuanzhu Father

What are you doing here? Here Are you okay? I’m okay Zichen, Princess The place is very demonic Let’s just get out of here Let’s go Get out of the way Get off the sedan chair See Second Highness See Second Highness There is no prestige in the casino Only luck and fairness

Let’s have some fun Thank you, Your Highness Go on See Your Highness What is Your Highness playing today? The same as before Maosu Hall Are they all here? Yes. This way, please What would you like? This one Oh, all right So he’s here to gamble Let’s go inside You’re crazy

All these guards here If you’ll do it here I’m not gonna save you anyway We had a deal It’s not you and me It’s the two of us Xiaochuan, I didn’t mean it Er’meng isn’t that stupid So many guards even if he’s just here to play

How could we possibly do that? Just cut the crap Do you wanna help Lord Jiuyun to find the treasure? I have a good idea What’s that? This’s quiet and safe But you have to be sacrificed Me? Come on See Second Highness Yours are not that capable Someone, go in Take it away

I’d like 50 Liang in white I’ll add 50 Liang Go Come on, bite it Good How’s it going? I caught several fleeing disciples at the foot of the Xiangqu Mountain They say Fu Jiuyun and the Hill Master just disappeared after killing the Dragon King of the River Bai Old losers

They wasted a thousand years of Milong Pill Fu Jiuyun was seriously injured He’s probably already dead He wouldn’t die But without Xiangqu to back him up He’s not gonna show up for a while Not long in hiding without the seal of the Xiangqu It’s a lot easier to get my stuff back

I have my own way How’s your little brother doing? I think that’s a fake sick Who knows that? He’ll go brothel or casino every day Or to visit some useless friends in the mountains He raised so many weird talents He must mean to do something You’re sure

He wasn’t on Xiangqu Mountain back than? What if he was here? Don’t underestimate him He’s a lot more scheming than you Stay with him for a few more days You’ll know if he’s up to do something Welcome your Highness Welcome your Highness Your highness, please Thank you, masters Please take your seats

Baili Duotian Are you ready? Your highness’s command I dare not neglect Let’s get started Yes, your Highness This is just what I want It’s big and strong enough Of course One deat and three wounded to catch it You’re all rewarded Thanks, your Highness Have a try Yes, your Highness

Very good My Lord, you’re valuable Don’t take a risk I’m not afraid of anything Aren’t you masters? Liyuan won’t just waiting to die like that If I don’t try the lamp’s power it might as well be dead Get out of the way Charm everything Get back every soul This…

Congratulations, Second Highness Congratulations, Second Highness Congratulations, Prince Congratulations, Prince Get up, everybody Thank you, Your Highness The demon is still alive It’s not the right time Your Highness Many old ministers in the court who don’t believe in the demon Wait until you rise and enter the East Palace The clothes fell off

Zichen, where’s your hairpin? Tell me you didn’t sell it Yanyan gave it to you Don’t overthink it Get some rest This spirit lamp really lives up to its name Together with this big monster It has collected three monsters in a row You may rest assured, my Lord It’s an ancient artifact

It’s all up to you guys, so that I can unleash its psychic powers We dare not take the glory We can get the artifact from the old man of Mr. Xiangqu It means Your Highness is open-minded with the destiny of heaven We’ll go to his camp tonight

And kill him by the way I like Er’meng becasue he’s cute and kind You’re not like any of them Oh, really? So will you marry me after we’ve down to the hill? Your Highness Your Highness I’ve endured for many years It’s also to wait for this day But now,

It’s not the right time What happened, my Lord? I’m waiting for that day The day when everything is fine Chancellor Lady Qiuhua You see Xuanzhu Mother Come on, it’s cold out here Let’s talk inside Come on in Let’s go No, it still doesn’t look like that It’s almost done

I’m not that good at it It’s not bad to be like me You see, he still has this silkworm I see, it’s your eyebrows Your eyebrows are so thick They look like worms Of course It’s the most fashionable style right now Shut up! Do you know what beauty is? Xiaobai

Or let me fix it for you You have to look exactly like her In order to successfully get into the Second Highness’s family I’ll fix just a little It’ll be all right in a minute Okay then Xiaochuan Hurry up You have to cooperate I can’t stand it anymore

I told you it was about right I’ve been able to look like this for so long That’s pretty good You can do it yourself Of course I can’t How’s that? Is this gonna work? Well, I’m a mirror But I don’t like looking in the mirror Well, see if it works I guess so

It mostly depends on my acting Yes, that’s right Mr. Bai What’s wrong? Nothing I was just thinking that… you’ll pretend me to get into the Second Highness’s Palace That’s just one more thing What is it? Cracker Melon Seeds You still have a conscience Wait Auntie Zhao, you are really bad

The royal thing is a big deal Will you eat melon seeds in front of the Second Highness? You’re trying to give us away How dare you play tricks with me? You think of me as stupid? Hit her Chancellor, please come inside Zichen Xuanzhu, come here You see It’s beautiful

Put your clothes on Father, I’m not cold Come on, let’s go sit over there Mother, you sit down first You just sit down first Sit down All right, have a seat Please have a seat, Chancellor What a lot of food to prepare Let’s warm ourselves up with a drink Here Xuanzhu

Another toast to the Chancellor The Chancellor traveled thousands of miles to save your mother Lady Qiuhua That’s too much When the Dragon King of the River Bai took you and your daughter away from the imperial palace in Dali But now he’s already dead Princess Xuanzhu is now the only remaining blood

For Dali royal family Me as an old minister I should do this I should have kept you safe Thanks for saving my mother Zichen and me I’m grateful Oh, no… You don’t need to be polite Princess, sit down What kind of princess I am Just call me Xuanzhu Okay

Lady Qiuhua, Princess Zichen Pick up some obligations Let’s leave here for Fengcheng I’ve made arrangements Hurry up and eat Xuanzhu, there aren’t many things to eat But this fish in River Bai is unique Just taste it We won’t be able to eat it again Taste it It’s indeed really delicious

Mother, eat more I’ll have a try Eat more Try it, Zichen I’m not feeling well today Thanks for your hospitality today I’m going to leave first This… It’s okay. He’s just like that Come on, let’s eat Come on Lord Zhao Lord Zhao Lord Zhao It’s got to be here

Is Your Highness in? Yes Get out of here We’ve got some business to discuss All outsiders should be shunned Do you hear me? Do you know who I am? Yes Lord Zhao Your Highness Your Highness So what? You didn’t let them tell me you’re here Well…

I haven’t had a taste in my mouth lately I just wanna see if you had that… Yunfeng Tea in Qionghua Sea It’s just a human craving So I forgot about the manners So it’s something from Xiangqu Mountain Auntie, do you miss Xiangqu Mountain? Of course I’ve suffered a lot Xiangqu Mount for you

No… This tea can only produces ten jin a year Not all the people have the rights to taste it That’s because of Xiaochuan Xiaochuan stole it from Fu Jiuyun’s room He stole some That’s right Chuan’er Such a memorable day Your Highness I’ve got important things to do I’m going to leave you Wait

Didn’t you want the tea? I just happen to have some here I’ll let them bring some to you Wait Auntie I almost forget if you didn’t mention Help me think about it What’s the name of that weak, delicate and girly boy? He’s Mr. Bai

Oh yes, Mr. Bai I don’t know if he’s still alive or not Auntie Zhao He worked so hard It would be good to be a servant girl here Yes Your Highness I have some serious business I’ll go now Wait Auntie, I have one more request Fetch me the lamp

Spirit lamp? Yes This spirit lamp is very popular in my house Everyone wanna see it I want you to put it in your house for safekeeping Got it So where’s the lamp? The spirit lamp? There it is Then I’ll get it

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